Write the Book Inside You

How Authors, Writers, can "Bust Writer's Block Forever" with author Caryl Westmore [#1 Overview]

• Caryl Westmore

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Author, Writers! Ever faced a blank page, resistance or felt frozen by self-doubt? Then this book, Bust Writer's Block Forever, reviewed by the author Caryl Westmore, is for YOU.

Her mission is to help you as a writer or author access your creative mojo and make a huge difference to your writing life.

She says: "Every writer knows the struggle. The blank page staring back, the words just out of reach..."

👉  What if the tools in this book led a Hollywood screenwriter to Oscar glory with the movie "Sleepless in Seattle"?

👉 And imagine Elizabeth Gilbert, post 'Eat, Pray, Love', using a technique from these pages to conquer her fears and self-doubt so she could write again?

👉 👉 From novices to bestsellers, every writer can benefit. Every writer has a muse waiting to be rediscovered.

👉 And in the digital age? Meet ChatGPT, your new best friend and writing ally. A guide in the wilderness of words.

"Bust Writer's Block Forever" isn't just a book. It's a revolution. A roadmap to your best writing self.

Join the movement. Rediscover your muse. Write the story inside you!
Buy the book for 99c and leave your REVIEW on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Bust-Writers-Block-Forever-Game-Changing-ebook/dp/B0CG4GH76W
So let's say it's like “EFT Tapping meets ChatGPT Chatting” in a new and exciting way that helps you get to the root cause of the beliefs and what I call goal traumas keeping you stuck. 
In this episode, I'll be giving you an overview of the book, followed by a series that dives deeper. For the season of Busting Writer's Block, my mission is to launch this book into the world and to help as many writers as possible to bust through their blocks and unleash their creative genius.

âś… Recommended - get my FREE CHECKLIST:
5 Book Hooks you must have to Captivate non-fiction Readers: Checklist (Free): https://www.writethebookinsideyou.com/freegift

âś… Connect with Caryl Westmore on social media!


Show Sponsors: Books for Writers by Caryl Westmore: Bust Writer's Block Forever www.bustwritersblock.com and The Inner Path of Writing, Make Love not War to the Writer Within . Details here: https://www.ipwbook.com

[00:00:00] Writers, authors, creatives, and podcast listeners, do you ever suffer from writer's block? Announcing... a podcast season devoted to my new book, Bust Writer's Block Forever!

The question is, have you ever suffered writer's block? That moment when you want to jump ship, give up, say nasty things to yourself? Or whip yourself into a frenzy to beat a deadline?

This book comes to the rescue, bridging my expertise in energy psychology, and a nod to ChatGPT.

So let's say it's like “EFT Tapping meets Chat GPT Chatting” in a new and exciting way that helps you get to the root cause of the beliefs and what I call goal traumas keeping you stuck. 

So listen up. In this episode, I'll be giving you an overview of the book, followed by a series. For the [00:01:00] season of Busting Writer's Block, my idea is to launch this book into the world and to help as many writers as possible to bust through their blocks and unleash their creative genius.

PODCAST INTRO [music] Hello and welcome to the Write the book Inside You podcast. Tips, tools and interviews for coaches and healers like you who want to write a non-fiction book to boost your visibility, clients, and cashflow while making a difference. I'm your host, Caryl Westmore, a multi published author in energy Psychology and the world's first Tapping Book Coach 

Now, let's jump into today's episode.

Hello, Caryl Westmore here, and in this video I'm going to walk you through my Bust Writer's Block Forever book, which is officially launching August the 31st, and will be available in [00:02:00] print and ebook form. Now, the reason I'm doing this is so that you can write an easy review, which I'd love. Or recommend it to your friends and colleagues.

The book is divided into two parts because you need to understand the foundations, which is part one of what writer's block really is, and my take on it, which is different from people like Steven Pressfield who talk about fighting it like a foe. My way is a softer approach, which I also talked about in my other book, the Inner Path of Writing.

But in this book, we dive into some of the tools that address your inner game as a writer, and I explain that in the foundations, part one. In part two, we dive deep into each of the seven tools PLUS a bonus chapter, so I'll walk you through those briefly. 

So the first tool is the work of Byron Katie. We [00:03:00] learn in that chapter that it helped Elizabeth Gilbert, the multimillion bestseller of Eat, Pray Love. After she produced that book, and it was such a raving success, Gilbert told Oprah that she had creative paralysis. Which almost stymied her from continuing with her writing until she discovered the work of Byron Katie. In the next chapter on Havening techniques, we look at the self-soothing way that you can address your anxieties and blocks.

In Chapter seven, The Journey, Banish your Silent Saboteurs, I begin by saying: "Imagine this: you’re a Hollywood screenwriter who has just been advanced $1 million to complete a script—but you’re spinning with desperate anxiety because you’re blocked. 

You’ve tried all the usual advice… but as your deadline looms, you reach out to a friend of a friend who recommends Brandon Bays, creator of a process called The Journey."

And then I describe what that is. And later in the chapter you'll hear how the same Hollywood screenwriter ended up feeling unstuck after his Journey process and going back to write his screenplay, and eventually telling Brandon two years later that he [00:04:00] won an Academy Award for the movie "Sleepless in Seattle."

Chapter eight, I had to include E F T Tapping, Kissing Writer's Block goodbye. 

Chapter nine. Logosynthesis, based on an interview I did with Dr. Lori Weiss on my podcast, but really she enlightens us as to why wo